Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Photos and Information on Biblical places

Map of the biblical sites reviewed in Biblewalks.com

The Bible contains endless references to sites, people, history, laws, wisdom and events. For the modern reader most of the sites seem more as legends then facts. However, these places are for real.

As a Galilee resident, I live with the Bible stories, its places, roads and roots. In my web site I attempt to share the images, stories, links and references with the Bible loving people around the Globe. The web site simplifies the tour, and enters the visitor into this fascinating world of the ancient times.

This new web site is packed with information and images from dozens of old & new Testament sites and other ancient places in Israel.

More information can be found in my Web site:

BibleWalks.com - walk with us through the sites of the Holy Land.

Rotem, Webmaster

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